Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Today I wanted to post about butterflies, I don't really know why, but butterflies just popped into my head today, and I felt like blogging about them, I mean I feel like if I blog about them they won't stick in my head anymore, anyway so let's begin. Butterflies mean new starts, and transformation, obviously because they transform into butterflies, anyway they mean transformation, and new starts.So next time you see a butterfly, embrace transformation and new starts.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Alexander Ludwig

Today I will be posting about Alexander Ludwig, my friend is going to kill me because she loves him and she's going to get so mad at me, but it will be really funny, so if she gets mad I don't care, oh if this is my last blog, it's probably because my friend killed me, so I would like thank everybody for coming to my blog, wish me good luck people, Bye!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Today, I want to share some of my favorite music videos with you awesome people who follow, and view my blog, I really hope you like them because they are some of my favorites so here they are, enjoy!